How far along: 36 weeks
How big is the baby: P is the size of a large Cantaloupe, or around 6 pounds.
Total weight gain/loss: I am officially up 28 pounds. I can still see my toes and miraculous can still shave my legs and paint my toe nails. Both exciting feats when I look down at the big bump that stands between me and my toes.
Maternity clothes: Even some of my maternity clothes are having trouble covering the bump at this point. I have to say the most frustrating thing about my pregnancy is getting dressed. I don't have a lot to choose from and I definitely don't have anything that makes me feel "beautiful", mostly just like a whale. I have shed many tears over this.
Stretch marks: Nope! And I still have an innie belly button--I was very freaked out about getting an outie from the beginning.
Sleep: I had been sleeping 9 hours a night without interruption but the last few days I've only slept about 6. So although I don't have insomnia, I feel like I am not sleeping in as long of stretches.
Excercise: Well...this one time last week I got off the couch. That's honestly what it feels like but I can barely make it from the bed to the bathroom my muscles are in so much pain so no, nothing more than maybe walking around the neighborhood at night. I know I'm going to be thankful for this Relaxin at some point but it's not right now.
Best moment last week: I have an amazing support system of girlfriends who are were there to answer all my questions as the last week was a semi-tough one. Tomorrow starts a new week and so I'm going to hit the reset and just do as much as I can when I feel like I can. I go to the midwife on Tuesday and can't wait to hear the little ones heart beat, hopefully for one of the last times while he is still baking.
Movement: We had good news at our last midwife appointment that baby P has moved into the position that he needs to be. Mostly I'm still feeling his movements through his hips that are going into my ribs, a few kicks on the opposite side and when his arms or head move at all, it feels like he is poking my bladder with his elbow. The sharp pains to the bladder are not my favorite but good to know he's there.
Food cravings/aversions: m&ms--we keep a bag in the fridge now. also, cannellini beans and Campbell's tomato soup.
Other symptoms: My whole lower body from my belly button to mid-thigh is in pain pretty much always. It's worst when I've been sitting or sleeping. It's very difficult to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. The occasional heartburn, headache and nausea. Yay.
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: My body is definitely in beast mode preparing. I have left out lots of unlady-like details for your reading pleasure. I find even with Jim I am very vague about what "sick" and "pain" entails. I am very 1950s when it comes to sharing anything physical or medical, I have to keep a little mystery, right?
Belly button: Innie!
Weddings rings: Still fitting besides on days when it's 100+.
What I miss: Laying on my stomach to read. Running. Champagne. Cigars (it is sweet that Jim "sneaks" his cigars while he does yard work so I don't have to feel like I'm missing out).
What I am looking forward to: hearing his little heartbeat this week and him arriving soon. P arriving means my family will soon arrive as well!
Weekly Wisdom: Mila Kunis did a skit a while back on the Jimmy Kimmel show where she went off on the phrase "we are pregnant" and how the guy is most definitely pregnant. I say this all the time to Jim. The truth is, I had 34 weeks of the most wonderful, easy, carefree pregnancy all for it to come to a screeching halt this week. It has been a difficult week where anything that can make me uncomfortable medically has happened. On top of it, I am just an emotional wreck every time I have to look in the mirror and get dressed knowing that I look blah and that I'm almost back up to my pre-workout weight.
My point being, yes, Jim is not going through all these physical and mental changes but he is the one who makes dinner and does the dishes when I can imagine making it through the day, he picks up my mid-day phone calls and talks me down when I'm crying on the couch over basically nothing, he's the one who tucks me into bed for a nap or encourages me to just stop what I'm doing and take a bubble bath, he's the one who has to feel helpless when I can't seem to find any relief from pain.
Sure, "we" aren't technically pregnant, but we're absolutely in this together. I think sometimes I forget to say that outloud and to thank him and I think all baby's fathers deserve at least that much, because I assume it can't be easy. So thank you, Simon.